Creating Standards of Integrity

If you made a list of all the people who positively impacted your life and their most memorable qualities, what would it look like?

I had the chance to create this list recently and a common theme began to emerge. Everyone on the list was a great leader. Regardless of their position in life, the most meaningful lessons I’ve ever learned were from those who lead by acting as examples of unshakable integrity. With this in mind, we’ve created our own Standards of Integrity-based on the qualities of the best leaders that we know. Now, our primary goal is to lead like they do.

Equilibrium’s Standards of Integrity:

To employ good leadership by exhibiting;

  1. Loyalty, commitment and inclusivity – to myself, my community and personal and professional partnerships

  2. Kindness, encouragement, and motivation – to our team and clients

  3. Generosity of spirit and resources

  4. Perseverance and bravery toward manifesting goals

  5. Determination toward becoming wiser, financially literate, and more balanced in work and home – and teaching others how to do the same

  6. Patience – with myself, those around me, and “the process” of getting to where we want to be/finding contentment with where we are

  7. Creativity, humor, and love – and including these qualities in everything I do

…we hold these standards as our own because we see them in others.


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